Odour Management Projects
The following is a partial list of projects that we have participated in:
- Biofilter performance monitoring and optimization
- Odour Intensity Measurements for the Meat Processing Industry
- Odour intensity measurement for wastewater treatment plants and alumina refineries (Perth, Western Australia)
- Development of odour impact criteria for Australia dairy industry.
- Development of odour impact procedure for Australia pig industry.
- Odour emissions from poultry litters.
- Development of odour policy in Western Australia.
- Odour emissions and biofilter performance studies for Sydney Water.
- Odour audit for Northern Territory Power and Water Authority.
- Fugitive emission studies for landfills in Sydney region.
- Odour and ammonia emission reduction from chicken broiler growout farms.
- HAPs screening study at Mirrabooka Landfill, WA.
- Establishment of new odour research laboratory at National Taiwan University in Taiwan.
- Integration of odour emission measurements from area sources with dispersion modelling analysis of environmental impacts.
- Odour and VOCs removal by biological filters.
- Chemical characterisation and olfactometric measurement of odours from sewage treatment process units.
- Odour emission surveys for Western Australian Water Authority.
- Odour emission study for Lucas Heights waste depot.
- Odour emission study at Rockdale feedlot, Yanco, NSW
- Odour emission database for pig farms.
- Odour studies for major Sydney Water coastal sewage treatment plants at Malabar, North Head and Shellharbour.
- Odour emission measurements for major Sydney Water inland sewage treatment plant at Glenfield, Penrith, West Hornsby, and Quakers Hill.